Religion in public schools? Absolutely not.
I am tired of the Christian Right in this country trying to ram their religion down everyone's throat, especially after reading this article in the NY Times.
In a state like Oklahoma I expect there is no end to the number of churches available for Bible study. Use them. Not everyone is a Christian and not everyone is religious. There are many, many ways available to study the Bible or other religious texts. Keep them where they belong. Public schools are not that place.
What does "teaching the Bible" even mean in a public school setting outside of teaching it from an historical perspective, or a mythology perspective? I expect to the people pushing this they want it to be like in church. No. Leave that to the churches.
I have absolutely no issue with people worshipping however they want. I am not religious but I have many friends who are and I'm pretty sure that none of them would advocate for "putting the Bible back in public schools" (was it ever there in the first place? It certainly wasn't when I was in school).