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Hi I'm Jason and welcome to my blog Scatterbrained!

Scatterbrained? Sure because anytime I try to blog I can never settle on one thing to talk about and I've always got about 50 things running through my head. So I'm embracing that and just writing them all down: technology posts, politics posts, posts about music and audio technology (huge audio tech nerd here 🙋), "micro" posts that are sorta Twitter-like and about whatever I'm feeling at the moment.

The one thing that won't be here? Anything I consider "longform" including my weekly updates. Those will be staying over at Notebook on Substack.

If you'd like to contact me please click that Contact link in the corner up there. I'm also on Mastodon , Threads, and Bluesky.

Thanks for visiting!

Recent Posts

I try to let people do things sometimes and most times regret that I just didn't do whatever it was myself...

Religion in public schools? Absolutely not.

I am tired of the Christian Right in this country trying to ram their religion down everyone's throat, especially after reading this article in the NY Times. In a state like Oklahoma I expect there is no end to the number of churches available for Bible study. Use

Public Service Announcement

So there are now three official start dates for Autumn: 1. The Autumnal Equinox...the official official start. 2. Meteorological Autumn - 9/1. The scientists like to break things down into easy chunks for some reason. 3. Starbucks Fall Menu Day - this year its 8/22.

Public Service Announcement
Just read yet another article while having my coffee about making a "smartphone" a "dumb" one. It's still weird to me that people would buy a smartphone then make it dumb to spare their attention. Why not just buy a dumb phone if this
New post over on Notebook about Joan Westenberg's story yesterday about why I think she's wrong about the Democrats.